Sunday, December 22, 2013

Game Tweets, #CBJ vs #Flyers (Dec 21, 2013)

* This tweet cloud is unique in the sense that it looks like one tweet that takes up the majority of the space: "Injury Update, RW Marian Gaborik suffered a broken collarbone in the first period and will be out indefinitely".
* What else is there to tweet about?  Apparently some stuff, but it fails in comparison to this big news.
* Still a great win!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Game Tweets: #CBJ vs PHI (12/19/13)

What were fans tweeting about during last night's Blue Jackets game? Skille, Mason and Atkinson to start with... (also "lead")

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Kempy's Tweet of the Week! (#DKMTotW) - Post 002 (week of Dec 16, 2013)

That's right! Your favourite DKM Hockey blog theme is back for post #002!

This week's winner follows a similar theme to the last one, "haha Flames and Oilers, your hockey team is struggling".  Leading up to tonight's LA Kings vs Edmonton Oilers matchup, a couple of the Kings twitter accounts have been chirping the Oilers.  I'm sure it's the insecure Blue Jacket fan in me that likes it when the CBJ aren't called out as a bad team on a National level.  Whatever the case, a good 'Oilers suck' insult seems to get me every time.  Enjoy...

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

DKM Hockey Podcast: Episode 26

Joe and Morgan are again a man down as John is on the 15 day DL with a throat infection.  Joe and Morgan break down the CBJ parabolic orbit over the last 10 days.  In the second segment, Joe introduces and idea that would make the game more appealing to novices.  John is not forgotten as he sends in 3 trivia questions each for Joe and Morgan to ask each other.  The winner gets a free Chipotle Burrito.  To round out the hour long show, Joe and Morgan reach into the archives and find a Rat Pack-esqe Blue Jackets rendition of "My Favorite Things."  It's awesome. 

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

DKM Hockey Podcast - Episode 25

Joe and Morgan saddle up at Buffalo Wild Wings at Polaris for a #CBJBWW viewing party! John was unable to join the Cast de Pod so we enlist the services of Intern Zach to round our the Cast of Three. Intern Zach says like 7 words the entire episode. The first segment container a recap of the Bi-Polar Nature of the recent CBJ games. In segment two, we review the CBJ Drinking Game for the 2013-2014 seaon. In segment 2.5 two lovely members of the CBJ Ice Crew stop by for an interview. And by the third segement everybody is completely hammered and we try a new segment called, Making Morgan Mad.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

To Catch A Predator

That's an amazing title considering the 4-0 drubbing the Blue Jackets endured at Nationwide Arena last night. It also may be the best part about this blog post. You see, due to Thanksgiving traveling, I didn't even watch the game. I was in a hotel just North if Chicago, and due to the lovely technology that my iPad, WiFi and a Sling Box bring, I DID have the capability to watch the game from my DVR.  Here's how it went though.  We got in really late, I was pretty tired, and before I muster the energy to get all that set up, I wanted to make sure the players were planning to muster energy against the Preds. You know how this story ends.

I decided to take my twitter time line back to 7pm Eastern and "watch" the game 'twitter style'. I've done this before, and it's actually quite fun. I follow over 200 dedicated Blue Jackets fans and media, so it's a fun and emotional mix of how the game is going. I wanted to get a sense for which of the bipolar Jackets were going to show up. I quickly learned that it was more "EDM" and less "TOR". I guess I should thank them for saving me 2.5 hrs last night and me being even more tired this morning...

Since I did get a really good night of sleep, I woke up this morning with a fresh mind ready to come up with catchy blog post titles. I came up with "To Catch A Predator", and here we are. No game recap, no insight to anything really. Just a cool title and a rather lame blog post. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

According to my BiPolar Jackets schedule, we are due to blow out Edmonton 5-0 tomorrow night. Can't wait!

Monday, November 4, 2013

The Six Degrees of Vinny Prospal #SDVP

I can't explain why this hasn't already been a "thing", but you can at least feel happy now that it's out there and we can all enjoy it. This idea came to me yesterday, and I spent the entire day coming up with players to try and link to Vinny within 6 teammates. I couldn't wait to share it with others as I just don't think enough people are talking about Vinny Prospal these days...

To start with, I hope the title is enough of an explanation for how to play.  If you need a little refresher, here is the wikipedia page for the "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon". Instead of co-stars in movies we use teammates on a team. This works especially well for Vinny Prospal considering he came into the NHL in 1996 and has played for the Flyers, Senators, Panthers, Lightning, Ducks, Rangers and Blue Jackets. Are we all on the same page? Good, now let's play!

If you feel like challenging others via twitter, use the hashtag "#SDVP". One of the first challenges I gave for myself yesterday was Mike Modano.  In somewhat of a surprise, my Prospal Number was 3.  It went like this:

1) In 2010, Mike Modano played for the Stars with Brad Richards
2) In 2012, Brad Richards played for the Rangers with Rick Nash
3) In 2011, Rick Nash played for the Blue Jackets with VINNY PROSPAL

Can anyone do it in 2?

Okay, now for my challenge.  What is the lowest amount of players you can link Vinny to Phil Kessel?
Use the comments of this post, or tweet it out with the tag "#SDVP".


Friday, November 1, 2013

DKM Hockey Podcast: Episode 23

DKM Hockey Podcast: Episode 23 - the search for episode 22!  Joe, John, and Morgan return for an LP session in Episode 23.  Episode 22 will forever be lost as a podcasting glitch.  These things happen.  The boys need answers about the team's consistency and they welcome Jeff Rimer to the first segment of the show.  Jeff's insight into the makeup of the CBJ dressing room and culture puts the boys at ease.  In the second segement, with Jeff Rimer covering many points to be covered later in the show, the boys return to the amature podcast status to discuss the CBJ Social Station experience and have some more fun with the CBJ Magic 8 ball.  Segment three is everyone's favorite - Being John Kempovich. 

Check out this episode!

Friday, October 18, 2013

DKM Hockey Podcast: Episode 21

It's a two and a half men show!  No, Morgan does not go all Charlie Sheen on us in this episode.  John is AWOL for part of this technological disaster of a show.  To help out, Dan from The Cannon joins us to give us his assessment of the CBJ 5 games into the 2013-14 campaign.  Joe and Morgan take on the second segment in tandom and introduce a refined CBJ Magic 8 ball and get a couple unexpected surprises.  John joins the rest of the second segment to bring closure to the great DKM burrito debate.  And in the thirs segment, the boys announce the winner of the DKM Contest Contest Winner and release their fourth parody song, "If you like Boomer the Cannon."  Joe and Morgan CANNOT SING.  You have been warned.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Kempy's Tweet of the Week! (#DKMTotW) - Week 001

I love twitter, you love twitter, we all love twitter. It's informative, it's a place to meet people that share the same interests as you.  It's also a place where great humor lives. We all carry a different sense of humor.  I'll admit my humor can be different at times.  For instance, the bear falling out of a tree on to a trampoline may be one of the funniest things I've ever seen next to the panda bear sneezing (what is it with me and bears?)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Pictures of DKM Hockey

We are friends.  We talk hockey.  We have fun.  The past 10 months have been great for the podcast.  The show has been great, but we also try to interact on twitter the best we can.  We do what we can with silly pictures and goofy captions on the blog and twitter.  So here is a 'mailed in' post of some of our favorite pictures.  There are plenty more pictures, such as our CBJ Star Wars bit but these are special to us three...

This was our first fan pic.  Submitted by @Rockmanhalo before
we knew who he was...

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

DKM Hockey Podcast: Episode 20

In Episode 20 Joe, John, and Morgan provide lots of laughs.  All that can be said about the 2013-2014 Columbus Blue Jackets has been said, all the speculation, the Playoffs, the scoring.  The boys open the first segment reviewing the roster additions for Ryan Murray, Boone Jenner, and David Savard.  In the second Segment, the boys explore two social scenarios and turn to the fans to help decide.  To answer the unaswerable questions, the DKM crew enlist the services of the CBJ Magic 8 ball.  And in the final segment, the boys pander the Contest Contest to the listers and add another Chapter in the B is for Boomer Children's book - J is for Jody Shelley

Check out this episode!

Friday, September 27, 2013

The DKM Contest Contest

We're bored and want to hold a contest.  We were really hoping to have some CBJ stuff to give away for the whole #DefendNWA campaign, but that hasn't worked out, yet. *coughing noise*  We don't like to giveaway stuff we don't have.  It's illegal.  So instead, we have a not-cheap-looking DKM Hockey T-shirt that we'd like  give away.  Ok, it's the standard issued crooked logo DKM T-shirt.  We bet you're interested now.  Nothing motivates people like a free T-shirt.  People risk $50,000 knee operations just to grab a $3 T-shirt shot out of a Cannon.  Stay safe people.  We'll mail one to your home - just don't blow out an Achilles on the way to the mailbox.

Friday, September 20, 2013

The #CBJ Twitter Drinking Game

Fresh from our Episode 19 release is the #CBJ Twitter Drinking game.  Now, you can sit at home with friends or sit at the bar and get your drink on by simply reading your #CBJ twitter feed.  The rules are simple and sure to get you hammered.  So crack open a case of beer and get ready to call off work tomorrow...

Some stuff to give away would be cool...

Thursday, September 19, 2013

DKM Hockey Podcast: Episode 19

It's our kick off Podcast for the 2013-2014 season!  Joe, John, and Morgan spend the first 20 minutes breaking down hot CBJ topics and discuss defensemen fighting for the last few spots on the roster.  Segment 2 brings us the much anticpated #CBJ Twitter Drinking game for the upcoming season.  Also, we brinng back Matt and Jordan from @TheCBJArtillery because we messed up their interview at Cannonfest.  For the third segment Blue Jackets Defensemen James Wisniewski joins the podcast to discuss camp, the upcoming season, and WizWear.  The boys wind down the segment with some new drops for the show and adopt a CBJ player as their child for the season.  Hilarity will ensue.

Check out this episode!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Let your #DefendNWA voice be heard! #CBJ

First, there was the DKM blog and it was good.  Then came Twitter, and it let DKM Hockey interact with other CBJ fans.  Then came the DKM Hockey podcast and it was the shizzle.  To make the Podcast better, we invested billions of dollars into technology that would allow us to take callers.  Now, we have invested more money into letting your voices be heard!  We got something called voicemail!!!!

Hello... Yes, I'd like you to put me through to the DKM boys.
And make it quick.
We want to hear from you!  Call us right now at 614-686-DKM1 or (614-686-3561) and take 15 secounds to tell us how you plan to Defend Nationwide Arena!  If yo call before 9pm Wednesday, September 18th, we will replay the voice messages during our next podcast airing September 20th!  Remember to leave your twitter handle when you tell us how you're going do your best to support the Blue Jackets this season.  We don't care how you do it!  Do what you can - Hang a banner, buy a shirsey, get a tattoo, or buy some tickets.  Just tell us how you're going to do it.

Want to do more than just leave a message?  If you have the techical ability to produce your own audio clips, send them to us!  Take 15 seconds to tell us how you will #DefendNWA.  You can email us the audio file in MP3 or WMA format to us at

We want to hear how you're going to do it!  Leave us a message or send us a file.  We want to hear from you and play your message to the world!!!!

Monday, September 9, 2013

We're ready to start cranking out the podcasts.

While we're not quite ready for a daily broadcast schedule, we are going to offer you a more consistent broadcast schedule. The podcast has gotten itself quite the listenership on iTunes (seriously) and the twitter account is only 999,642 followers away from our goal of 1,000,000.  Given those spectacular numbers, we bringing the DKM Hockey Podcast back for another full season of debauchery.  But wait, there's more.

More DKM Podcasts!

Outside of #CBJ viewing parties and other Blue Jackets social events, we will be bringing you a new podcast every other Friday morning during the entire regular season starting September 20th!  We'll be talking all things Blue Jackets as well has expanding our guest list.  We will find new ways to engage other Blue Jackets fans out there.  We'll help guide you through our first year in the Eastern Conference and teach you how to cope with some of sport's most belligerent fan bases.

   We will continue to complete chapters in our Blue Jackets themed Children's book, "B is for Boomer."  "Being John Kempovich" will continue to allow you access into thoughts of the Blue Jacket's most loyal fans.  We will continue to bring you goofy bits, silly gags, and other fun ways to share our love of the Blue Jackets.  We want to continue to provide you with passion and insight to the team in a way you won't find any place else.  Reporting is for journalists, access is for glory hounds, we just want to spread the CBJ love and hope you and the team will join us along the way.

So find us on iTunes, follow the Podcast RSS feed, and as always check back here for podcast episodes and more. Oh, and don't forget to put your smart phones down and check out the web version of the blog. 

And as with every podcast, Hilarity will ensue.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

G is for George Matthews

Today we issue a new chapter in our "B is for Boomer" children's book. The book is a definitive history of the Columbus Blue Jackets.  It is not easy to become part of Blue Jackets history. On the Podcast we have discussed K is for Kevin (Schroeder) C is for Clockgate, and D is for Distinct Kicking Motion (disallowed goals). But today, as mentioned in an earlier podcast, we bring you G is for George, as in George Matthews.

George "MF" Matthews

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Only you can help prevent an invasion. Only you can #DEFENDNWA

We kind of do our own thing here at DKM.  Our number one focus is to have fun supporting the Columbus Blue Jackets.  We don't do something because it's popular on twitter or because we think it will garner the praise of the team.  Joe, John, and Morgan are so unique in their individual opinions of the team that often times disagreements start.  But there is one thing the three of them can agree on.  It's time to stop letting other team's fans over take Nationwide Arena.  And in that light, we do support the #DEFENDNWA movement.

Friday, August 30, 2013

K is for Kevin

Today we issue a new chapter in our "B is for Boomer" children's book.  The book is a definitive history of the Columbus Blue Jackets and its not easy to become part of Blue Jackets history.  On the Podcast we have discussed G is for George (Matthews), C is for Clockgate, and D is for Distinct Kicking Motion (disallowed goals).  But today, as mentioned in an earlier podcast, we bring you K is for Kevin.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I went to CannonFest and all I got was this lousy t-shirt

CannonFest IV came and went in the blink of an eye, and here I am a couple days later thinking back to all of the great things that took place. The crowd turnout was fantastic. I was there almost an hour before the event was scheduled to begin and many of the tables were already claimed. Fans showed up in droves decked out in Union Blue and brought with them their passion for this Blue Jackets team. It felt great!

Being a proud member of the DKM Hockey blog and podcast, we were quite pleased and excited to be asked to do a podcast during CannonFest. It turned out to be a great episode filled with a huge line up of great guests. Before the CannonFest episode, the Social Station Episode was the leader for star-studded guests, but just take a look at everyone that joined us for this one:
Thank you to all of you that came on the show, and also to all of you that stopped by to say hello.
Morgan and Joe following rule number 1 (drink while podcasting)
 For me, time was flying by way too fast, and I couldn't slow it down. We had guest after guest on, and then Blue Jacket General Manager Jarmo Kekäläinen payed a surprise visit.  This made the event even more memorable this year and has set the bar really high to try and top it next year.  I enjoyed seeing both the shock of the fans when Jarmo walked in, and the look on Jarmo's face when he realized that over 200 fans had gathered on a random Sunday in August!  That was certainly the highlight, but there were other great moments too.

One thing that comes to mind for us at DKM Hockey was showing a video we made as a tribute to Vinny, with lyrics and vocals by Morgan Langworthy. The song is a terrific parody, and putting images of Vinny pointing at things makes for a hilarious video. The Skraut videos were amazing as usual, but for us, having a venue to show that creation was special.

So all of these great things go through my mind as I reminisce, but on top of all of that, there is one theme that I reflect on and smile.  It's our super high quality really expensive DKM Hockey t-shirts that we gave away.  I know it sounds ridiculous to think giving away t-shirts would yield any sort of lasting memory.  Allow me to paint the picture for you.  I showed up that beautiful Saturday morning with 10 t-shirts in a box and fully expected to just hand them out to a few guests on the show.  We were certain to give some away to long-time fans and supporters of our podcast Lindsay Wilson (@zinzwCBJ) Mike Majeski (@mmajeski06) and Marc Humker (@UnionMarc).  They were all very appreciative and that made us feel all warm and happy.  

While I walked around to give away a few more, I spotted Alison Lukan (@alisonl) who not only asked for a t-shirt, but also had the DKM crew sign it, causing the shirt to go way up (or way down) in value!
Thank you Alison for your support, now we can just sit back and wait for the thousands of new listeners to pour in

As I handed out the first couple of shirts, I noticed many others sitting in nearby tables with their arms in the air.  They were all making eye contact with me, and it was very clear that they wanted me to throw t-shirts to them.  I was no longer some random dude minding my own business enjoying CannonFest, I was now an object in which could provide free articles of clothing.  I'm sure they were pretty bummed to open it up and see a DKM Hockey shirt and not a Blue Jacket shirt, but as the great John Belushi said in Animal House, "don't cost nothin!".  I've never aspired to be a Power Patrol guy to toss t-shirts to a begging crowd of humans similar to tossing pieces of bread in a pond, but I will have to admit, that was quite fun. Thank you to Mallory Mullenix (@MalloryMullenix) who caught a t-shirt and was kind enough to post a picture on twitter thanking us. You're welcome Mallory, enjoy!

Now if that wasn't enough, the real DKM Hockey t-shirt highlight came a little bit later.  Dancing Kevin made his 3rd appearance on our show, and he was as great as ever.  You know, "Kevin being Kevin". 
This is what the board looks like when Kevin Schroeder is on the podcast
I was thinking to myself while Kevin was on how perhaps I should have considered ordering a slightly larger t-shirt so we could give one to him. I made the joke to him that for being on the show, we would give him a "large" DKM Hockey t-shirt. Without hesitation, Kevin grabbed it from my hand.  He took his shirt off (shocker) and started to put it on.  Guess what (seriously, you're never going to guess), it's didn't quite fit perfectly. In fact, I think it made it half way down the Belly of Love.

 It didn't end there. Oh no, Kevin kept that shirt on the rest of the afternoon, and all the way to his car afterward (I left at the same time, I was not following him).  He walked around getting pictures with fans and smiling with that way-too-small shirt gripping his mid section for dear life (bit of a Jerry Seinfield reference there).

Good thing that wasn't Boomer, Kevin would have tackled him (psssttt)
CannonFest was great.  Everyone had so much fun, and there was much more to it than what I described here, but those of you out there that are fans of the DKM Hockey podcast segment "Being John Kempovich", that was a glimpse into my mind thinking about CannonFest. Wanna know what else I just thought of? "Wow, I was able to write an entire CannonFest blog post without typing'doldrums of august'."

Monday, August 19, 2013

DKM Hockey Podcast: Cannfest IV Episode

The DKM boys podcast live from Cannonfest IV at Buffalo Wild Wings on Bethel Road in Columbus.  Since you can't take Cannofest with you, the next best thing is to hear from some of the folks who attended.  It seems like only yesterday when DKM Hockey was a budding blog trying to squeak out a name for itself at Cannonfest 3.  Now, thanks to the gracious hosts of this fan organized event, we are able to podcast live and bring the atmosphere to you!  To celebrate this event, we bring on the old guard and rising stars in the CBJ social media world.  What would a DKM Hockey Podcast be without a little 80's pop culture?  So several of our guests took the time to complete hockey themed Mad Libs penned by the DKM crew.  Here is an outline of the show should you wish to skip right to specific parts:

00:00 - Jarmo Kekalainen acknowledges our existence!

00:05 - Show intro with guest @zekebud - Matt

08:45 - Pete from @TillyHockey stops by to talk about their apparel line

17:50 - Blogosphere stalwart @GallosDBJ stop buy to chat past Cannonfests and excitement for this upcoming season

25:30 - the boys from @TheCBJArtillery stop by to fill out a Madlib

29;30 - Mike Majeski stops by to talk about blogging for the Union and Blue @mmajeski06

37:40 - Kevin Schroeder stops by for another segment of "Kevin being Kevin" @kschroeder1720

42:40 - Aaron Portline of the Columbus Dispatch calls in to talk all things CBJ @Aportzline

59:45 - Master of Cannofest Videos Tom Larrow @skraut_ and Cannonfest Co-Founder Matt Wagner of The Cannon @bzarcher stop by to reflect on the day.

1:06:40 - Brett Ireland @RockManHalo and Cannonfest Co-Founder Greg May @Gregin120 of Full Mental Jackets help us wind down the show.

Check out this episode!

Friday, August 16, 2013

CannonFest 4: Now with more "Fest"

Three cheers for CannonFest 4! Cam Cam, Murray!  Cam Cam, Murray! Cam Cam, Murray!

Just like how each of the Toy Story movies are better than the last, so goes each
of the CannonFest events over the years (warning, don't use this movie analogy on Short
Circuit OR Crocodile Dundee).  For me, August is a special time each year. To start
with, it is my birth month which already makes it pretty cool (right fellow August
Leos?  July Leos are sort of cool, but only because they are like the younger brother
to the August Leos). August is also home to the Summer Session CAHL playoffs, and
fantasy football. There is another kind of fantasy brewing in Columbus in August, and
it has to do with the Blue Jackets...(hint, it rhymes with CannonFest)

who's excited for CannonFest?  #ThisGuy

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

DKMHockey Podcast - Power Hour Episode

Officially titled The Power Hour Episode, Joe, John, and Morgan drink a shot of beer a minute for 60 minutes, then press "record" on the podcast machine for our 17th session.  The sound quality isn't as sharp for this episode as we used a new digital recording device.  Anyhoo, in segment one we welcome friend of the show and local high school hockey coach Pat Murphy to chat for 20 minutes.  Murph shares his experiences playing professionally in Europe and North America as well as offering insight into a successful high school hockey program.  In segment two, we have consumed exponentially more alcoholic beverages and ponder what Columbus Blue Jacket themed "Garbage Pail Kids" might be like.  And in the third segment, which absolutely no one remembers recording, is a spontaneous episode of Being John Kempovich.  We are all introduced to a new word in this segment.  Seriously, none of us remember this segment.

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

We want you, CBJ inspired graphic artists!

Our Podcast is awesome.  Our podcast is awesome because the three of us focus our passion, energy, and our individualism into the show.  But our artistic abilities suck.  Joe struggles with stick figures, Morgan is colorblind, and John's marketing prowess reeks of "Edsel."  We are masters of highly technical professional talents, but we don't know what the hell is going on in programs like Photoshop or Gimp.  So we turn to you, oh listeners of the podcast - to help us shape our image with your high quality logos and background images and other stuff that looks cool.  Right now the blog looks about as exciting as the inside of a two car garage.  So we turn to you, our fans, who may be or may know of someone, looking to donate their exceptional graphic design artwork for use on our blog.  Columbus is full of many wonderfully creative artists - just none of us on this blog/podcast happen to fit that description.  Help us share our love of all things CBJ, Ice Hockey, and Beer! 

We are looking for three pieces of graphic art.

1. A banner to display across the top of the webpage

2. Some sort of background image/skin/Wallpaper

3. An alternate logo for the DKM brand - consider it like a third jersey logo.

If you are interested in designing artwork for our website, please contact us at You can submit one piece of artwork, or submissions for all three.  No qualifications are needed.  All selections will receive full credit on the blog.  We will be glad to pimp links to your demo reels or previous work, and John will likely gush about you the podcast - that's what he does.  The artwork you donate will be featured on this site, iTunes, and the other nationally known blogs we cross promote with and/or make fun of.  Please feel free to contact is with any questions and as Jim Carr says - please keep you submissions within the bounds of good taste!


Saturday, July 6, 2013

CBJ Signing of Nathan Horton, Dr. Seuss Style

So by now you've heard that the Columbus Blue Jackets have signed Nathan Horton to a 7 year deal worth 37.1 Million.  How did this all transpire? Perhaps I can help tell the story as Dr. Seuss would similar to his popular 1954 book titled "Horton Hears a Who".

Usually DKM reserves "WHO" for Blake Comeau

Horton, Cols he flew

Horton visits our zoo

Horton tears seeing The Shoe

Horton clears physical, whew

Horton Cup Finals = two

Horton fears only few

Horton, peers love too

Horton, here's a slew

Horton years multiple, woohoo

Horton cheers Union Blue

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

DKM Hockey Podcast: Episode 16

Joe, John, and Morgan drag themselves from the post season blues for an another exciting episode.  John shares his childhood love of "choose your own adventure books" and we read a handful of page of his recently published "Jarjoe Kekareader" CBJ adventrue book.  The boys finally agree on letter "G" in their childrens book of B is for Boomer.   They boys also share the much anticipated "Vinny" tribute song in this innuendo laden episode.

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

DKM Podcast Song Parodies

If you are a fan of this Blog and the DKM Podcast, you will have noticed that on occasion we like to perform some parody songs.  It all started during Episode 7 with "Fake Plastic Blue Jackets", a parody of the Radiohead classic "Fake Plastic Trees".  Morgan wrote the lyrics and sang while Joe played guitar and John- well, John held the mic by the guitar.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

DKM Hockey Podcast: Episode 15

In their best EVER season ending podcast, the boys welcome guest host @UnionMarc to the first segment to talk all things Bobrovsky.  Joe, John, and Morgan review the highlights of the 2013 season.  The show winds up with a very rangey "Being John Kempovich" segment.  The boys wrap up the show vetting the latest submissions for B is for Boomer.

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

CBJ Star Wars

A long time ago (a week ago Thursday) in a galaxy far, far away (Powell, Ohio) the DKM Hockey podcast -- joined by special guest Brett "RockmanHalo" Ireland -- outlined for you which Blue Jacket players we would cast as the characters from Star Wars. Below is a re-cap of our choices, along with the best crude face-swapping this novice photo editor could come up with. (Hey, we can't all be as good at this stuff as the Rockman!)

James Wisniewski swashbuckles around the galaxy as "Steve Solo"

Let the wookiee rookie Dalton Prout, in the role of "Choppabacca," win at chess...or else he'll pull off your arms

Saturday, April 27, 2013

DKM Hockey Podcast: The Never Ending Segment

What was slated as a 10 minute closing segment to the Playoff Push Episode turns into a 45 minute bathroom humor giggle fest.  Joe and Morgan along with Gallos welcome Dancing Kevin Schroeder back onto the show.  But that's not all, Frank Adams known throughout the world as @TheAngryJacket crashes the Podcast and gives great perspective on #Lumbus, the Playoffs, and Buck toothed Alley Cats.  Kevin fantasizes about tackling Boomer and shares a great Claude Lemieux story!

Check out this episode!

DKM Hockey Podcast: Playoff Push Episode

Live from the #CBJBWW veiwing party on April 25th in Powell, OH.  Joe, John, and Morgan welcome two special guests to the Podcast - Full Mental Jacket's Brett Ireland aka @RockmanHalo and Dark Blue Jacket stalward blogger Mike Galloway aka @gallosdbj.  The crew explores the possibility of a Blue Jacket casted Star Wars trilogy.  RockmanHalo gives us three ideas for Columbus Blue Jackets themed video games: Super Foligno Bros.; Chaos Controll; and Jarmo Bobble.  Gallos and the boys then discuss what this playoff push as meant to them and what might still be ahead.  BRING THE THUNDER!

Check out this episode!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Podcast Preview: Three Keys vs. Dallas

Games don't get much bigger than the one the Blue Jackets will play tonight in Dallas, as the team tries to stay alive in the hunt for a playoff berth. The Jackets, currently in ninth place in the West, need to win and get help in the form of Detroit and/or Minnesota losses in order to play in the post-season.

As a preview to the DKM Hockey podcast recording tonight from the CBJ Buffalo Wild Wings watch party in Powell, the guys offer these three keys to tonight's game. Come out and join us at 8:30pm in Powell for wings, beer and Blue Jacket hockey!

Key 1: Morgan
Thursday's game against the Stars is the biggest game of the season to the Jacekts for painfully obvious reasons. In games like this, you star players have to be star players. Marian Gaborik has to be putting the puck on net.  Dubinsky has to be using his body and speed to generate turnovers. Wisniewski has to be effective on the powerplay. And Vinny, Vinny has to keep the players focused during the game. Star players have to be stars in Big Games and this is a pretty big one.

Key 2: Joe
I agree that the Blue Jackets need to rely on their best player tonight: Sergei Bobrovsky. "Bob" has been stellar in goal this season, and is in my opinion the primary reason the Jackets are even in the playoff hunt. He hasn't been stellar over the past few games of the road trip, however; and his teammates have worked hard to bail him out with "yuge" goals in "yuge" moments. Bobrovsky needs to anchor the team's defense in the NHL's top star form he has shown to give the team its best chance for a victory.

Key 3: John

I won't be able to break down the Stars' system and how the CBJ can exploit it. My key to the game is for the CBJ to just show up and play like they have been. Many of the players and this franchise have not been in this big of a game before. Don't over think things. Stick to the hard-nosed, 'against the world' team attitude that has helped win 6 out of the last 7 (stupid Kings). Oh, and score goals to help Bob out.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

DKM Hockey Podcast: Episode 13

Joe, John, and Morgan return for lucky Episode 13 and welcome back Tom Felrath of DBJ fame.  The crew introduce a few chapters to the new CBJ childrens book, "B is for Boomer."  John and Tom have their 'Dead Pool' tie breaker in the form of Blue Jackets Jeopardy.  The boys write a tribute song to RJ Umberger and close the show with a super long "Being John Kempovich" segment.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Oregon Trail (#CBJ Style) Voyage Summary

Less than one month ago, your friends at DKM Hockey held a draft on the Episode 10 podcast to determine which Blue Jacket players would get to join us on our journey to the great West via the Oregon Trail.  The year was 1843, our Blue Jacket families were set, and we were off to the Promised Land. Equipped with  a wagon, a pair of oxen and around 50 coins we started the journey. What could possibly go wrong?

The Reader Family (Matty Calvert looks so cute)

Saturday, April 6, 2013

DKM Hockey Podcast: Episode 12 #CBJBWW Edition

Joe, John, and Morgan set up camp at Buffalo Wild Wings in Gahanna, OH for a #CBJBWW viewing party.  What a great week for CBJ fans.  Greg May of Full Mental Jackets sits down to discuss what might be the greatest week for an GM in franchise history.  Morgan and Joe interview the first ever DKM contest winner, Lyndsay Wilson.  Nationwide Arena Host Mike Todd stops by for a great guest interview and the DKM Crew finally reaches the end of the Oregon Trail.

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

What is Johnson Doing

With up to the minute coverage of the yawn-fest trade deadline, the DKM crew has a pool to see what Jack Johnson is really doing as he left the ice during practice:

Morgan - relax folks, he has a bad edge.

Joe - He had to take a poop.

John - He was traded to Pittsburgh for Evgeni Malkin

See what happens...

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Mark Letestu Shown the Money

On the CBJ Oregon Trail, you know him as the eldest son of Morgan Langworthy. On being John Kempovich, you know him by the term “steal.” In the Lord of the Rings trilogy, you know him as Mr. Frodo Baggins. (Okay, that last one was a stretch…)

However you slice, it Mark Letestu has been a tremendous asset for the Columbus Blue Jackets; not to mention a favorite of the DKM Hockey team. It was announced today that Letestu’s contributions to the franchise have been rewarded with a new contract, worth a reported $1.25 million annually over the next two seasons.

Mark Letestu seems very happy with his new contract.
(Image source:

Consider Mark Letestu’s 2012-13 season stats (with corresponding rank on the team)…

Games Played: 34 (T-5th)
Points: 21 (2nd)
Goals: 9 (T-2nd)
Assists: 11 (T-2nd)
Plus/Minus: +6 (2nd)
Short-Handed Goals: 2 (1st)
Game-Winning Goals: 2 (T-2nd)


…while also considering he ranked last among the team’s regulars for base salary this season. His $600K salary this season had him in the same ballpark with the likes of Colton Gilles, Nick Drazenovic and Dalton “Get to the Choppa” Prout. (Source: I’d say it was about high time to reward him with a new deal more aligned to his value to the organization, and offer a tip of the hat to President of Hockey Operations John Davidson and General Manager Jarmo Kekalainen for doing just that.

Congratulations to Mark Letestu on the contract extension and pay raise. We’re happy to be keeping your talents in Columbus.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

CBJ Death...Er, Trade...Pool

In Epsiode 11 of the DKM Hockey podcast, Joe, Morgan, John and Tom took turns selecting two players they believe are most likely to be traded away from the Blue Jackets at the deadline. Below is a summary of the selections. Whoever correctly selected the first of these players to be traded will have his bar tab picked-up by the other guys when the podcast is recorded live at Buffalo Wild Wings Gahanna next Thursday, April 4.

Be sure to come out for the fun, and let us know if there's another Jacket you think will be traded off the roster before the picks below!

John's Picks:
Derick Brassard
Everyone's would-be first choice for a trade target.
Adrian Aucoin
Veteran defenseman could help a team's playoff push.

Joe's Picks:
Nikita Nikitin
Bringer of the knee-high heat.
Artem Anisimov
Will his (prolific?!) scoring ability attract offers?

Tom's Picks:
John Moore
Smooth-skating youngster could get swooped up by a Hawk.
Jared Boll
Attractive for teams wanting a big body to bang around opponents.

Morgan's Picks:
Dalton Prout
Because John Moore was drafted by DBJ. GET TO THE CHOPPA!
Nick Foligno
Speedy skater could bring good energy to a playoff team.

(Note: All images are courtesy of

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

DKM Hockey Podcast: Episode 11

Joe, John, and Morgan are back in Episode 11 to update everyone on their hilarity on the CBJ Oregon Trail.  But the boys have a special guest during the entire show, none other then Mr Dark Blue Jacket himself, Tom Fellrath.  With the trade deadline approaching, the four of us draft two players for the CBJ death pool as we try to pick the CBJ player most likely to be traded at the deadline.  With the 12 game point streak over, Morgan is back in therapy.  The show winds down with a little Q&A with Tom from DBJ and the boys finally make good on a Best Buy gift card give-a-way. 

Check out this episode!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Oregon Trail, #CBJ Style

Get ready, Blue Jacket and DKM Hockey fans, for a wondrous adventure across the wild west! Join Morgan, John, and Joe as they pack their wagons with their CBJ families and adventure to the mecca of the northwest: Oregon. (That's right, Seattle, I said, "Oregon." Deal with it.) Just when you thought it wasn't fifth grade any more, we have decided to dust off the old Oregon Trail game to battle hunger and fatigue and a host of ailments to travel the wilderness for your amusement. We'll be talking and writing more about the journeys later, but for now we wanted to introduce our families.

The Morgan Langworthy Family:
Vinny Prospal (Wife)
Mark Letestu - eldest son
Derek Dorsett - middle child
Jack Johnson - little brother,
big chin.

The Joe Reader Family:
Fedor Tyutin (Wife)
Matt Calvert
Jared Boll
Tim Erixon

The John Kemp Family:
RJ Umberger (Wife)
Cam Atkinson
John Moore
Boone Jenner

(Note: All images are courtesy of

DKM Hockey Podcast: Episode 10 - #CBJsocial Station Special

This is quite possibly our best show ever.  We record live from the #CBJsocial station during the March 16th, 2013 game against the Phoenix Coyotes.  We are pleased to bring you a 90 minute super special episode.  The show is filled top to bottom with your favorite segments, a new game, and 5 exclusive interviews with all walks of #CBJ fame.  We interview Rob Mixer, Alison Lukan, Leo Welsh, CBJ Nation, and the one, the only, Kevin Schroeder.  We bring you the conclusion to the Newly Wed game, our best "Being John Kempovich" segment yet and John, Joe, and Morgan prepare to play CBJ Oregon Trail and draft their CBJ player families during this episode.  Enjoy!

Is that a Cannon in your pocket?

We live life fast and loose.

Yep, it's that kind of party

Check out this episode!