Saturday, June 7, 2014

The Lady Bling Award - ballot by Elain Schifcliff

We are proud to present the first ballot for the 2014 Lady Bling Award presented by DKM Hockey.  Our first voter is Elaine Schircliff of Faceoff violation  The Lady Bling Award is an annual award voted on by female bloggers. Each blogger is to vote for three players awarding each player with either a 3rd place, 2nd place, or 1st place vote. A third place vote is worth 5 points, second worth 7 points, and a first place vote is worth 10 points. We then tallied the votes and declared a winner based on the points system.

Those voting on the Lady Bling must evaluate each player based upon the following three criteria:

Statistical Relevance - the player exhibits exceptional ability that can be qualified by some sort of verifiable statistical analysis.

Tactile Intangibles - demonstrates hockey competency without the puck and whose unique individual personality defines the team.

The Quintessential Man - a player who carries themselves as a professional, gives back to the community, or looks hawt doing it.
Got it? Good.
The first ballot we are releasing is from Elaine Schircliff of Face-Off Violation.

Third Place (5 pts)
Cam Atkinson
Statistical Relevance
Atkinson led the team in goals (7) in the month of January.
Tactile Intangibles
Life was a little rough for Atkinson around trade deadline. Not only did his buddy, Marian Gaborik, get traded but Atkinson was scratched for a few games. Instead of getting in a funk or asking to be traded, Atkinson came out swinging. Between his speed and feisty play, Atkinson was a force to be reckoned with in the playoffs.
The Quintessential Man
If we were basing the Lady Bling based solely on this category Cam Atkinson would have won because of his kind act to fans who were camping outside of Nationwide Arena to buy playoff tickets.
Second Place (7 pts)
Ryan Johansen
Statistical Relevance
During the regular season Joey led the team in points (63) and goals (33). He currently is one of three players in Blue Jackets history to score at least 30 goals in one season.
Tactile Intangibles
Just like Johnson he leaves his friendships at the door. When the Jackets played in New York this season Joey got in Dorse’s face multiple times. Dorse and Joey were once roommates in Columbus. When he’s on the ice it’s about the game and friendships don’t matter. Also, he’s usually the guy that cleans up all the pucks and laughs when he drops a bucket of them at training camp.
The Quintessential Man
Off the ice: The way Joey interacts with the Heroes for the Black Tie Affair makes every man and woman’s heart swoon.
On the ice: Filthy dangles for days.
First Place (10 Points)
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson is the Teddy Roosevelt of the Jackets. He’s a vocally quiet leader but his presence is huge both on and off the ice. On a captain-less team Johnson surely stuck out as a leader.
Statistical Relevance
During the playoffs Johnson led the team in points (7) and goals (3). He may have had a rough start to the season but pulled it together when the team needed him the most.
Tactile Intangibles
After getting left off the 2014 Olympic roster Johnson used his feelings of frustration in a constructive manner. He didn’t go on every radio show and slam his current coach. He didn’t give scathing interviews to journalists. Instead, Johnson put his all into the game and helped catapult the Jackets into the Stanley Cup Playoffs. While in the playoffs he went into beast mode. Johnson knocked his close friend, Sidney Crosby, around like a rag doll and made sure Crosby didn’t get anywhere near the puck.
The Quintessential Man
Johnson does a lot of service work but keeps it to himself. He believes it’s a private, personal experience that doesn’t need to be broadcasted about the world. That’s quite the admirable quality in a person, especially a famous athlete.
Speaking of famous Jack Johnsons, how can you not love the fact that he trolls the fans of the singer Jack Johnson on twitter?
And there you have it folks, the first of three ballots for this season's Lady Bling Award. We will be presenting the next ballot on Saturday morning before Game 2 of the Stanley Cup Final
Lady Bling1st2nd3rdTotal
Jack Johnson10 10
Ryan Johansen 7 7
Cam Atkinson 55

About the author in her words: Hey guys!I grew up in Chicago, Illinois/Stow, Ohio and currently reside in Columbus. I popped out of the womb loving hockey. My first love was the Blackhawks until the Blue Jackets stole my heart. By day I’m the Business Development Assistant at USI Affinity ( By night I’m the communications intern of the Ohio AAA Blue Jackets ( I also write for Chattin Bout Jackets ( In my spare time I sing at weddings. So if you need an inexpensive wedding singer who loves hockey just as much as you do I’m your girl.

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