Friday, September 27, 2013

The DKM Contest Contest

We're bored and want to hold a contest.  We were really hoping to have some CBJ stuff to give away for the whole #DefendNWA campaign, but that hasn't worked out, yet. *coughing noise*  We don't like to giveaway stuff we don't have.  It's illegal.  So instead, we have a not-cheap-looking DKM Hockey T-shirt that we'd like  give away.  Ok, it's the standard issued crooked logo DKM T-shirt.  We bet you're interested now.  Nothing motivates people like a free T-shirt.  People risk $50,000 knee operations just to grab a $3 T-shirt shot out of a Cannon.  Stay safe people.  We'll mail one to your home - just don't blow out an Achilles on the way to the mailbox.

Friday, September 20, 2013

The #CBJ Twitter Drinking Game

Fresh from our Episode 19 release is the #CBJ Twitter Drinking game.  Now, you can sit at home with friends or sit at the bar and get your drink on by simply reading your #CBJ twitter feed.  The rules are simple and sure to get you hammered.  So crack open a case of beer and get ready to call off work tomorrow...

Some stuff to give away would be cool...

Thursday, September 19, 2013

DKM Hockey Podcast: Episode 19

It's our kick off Podcast for the 2013-2014 season!  Joe, John, and Morgan spend the first 20 minutes breaking down hot CBJ topics and discuss defensemen fighting for the last few spots on the roster.  Segment 2 brings us the much anticpated #CBJ Twitter Drinking game for the upcoming season.  Also, we brinng back Matt and Jordan from @TheCBJArtillery because we messed up their interview at Cannonfest.  For the third segment Blue Jackets Defensemen James Wisniewski joins the podcast to discuss camp, the upcoming season, and WizWear.  The boys wind down the segment with some new drops for the show and adopt a CBJ player as their child for the season.  Hilarity will ensue.

Check out this episode!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Let your #DefendNWA voice be heard! #CBJ

First, there was the DKM blog and it was good.  Then came Twitter, and it let DKM Hockey interact with other CBJ fans.  Then came the DKM Hockey podcast and it was the shizzle.  To make the Podcast better, we invested billions of dollars into technology that would allow us to take callers.  Now, we have invested more money into letting your voices be heard!  We got something called voicemail!!!!

Hello... Yes, I'd like you to put me through to the DKM boys.
And make it quick.
We want to hear from you!  Call us right now at 614-686-DKM1 or (614-686-3561) and take 15 secounds to tell us how you plan to Defend Nationwide Arena!  If yo call before 9pm Wednesday, September 18th, we will replay the voice messages during our next podcast airing September 20th!  Remember to leave your twitter handle when you tell us how you're going do your best to support the Blue Jackets this season.  We don't care how you do it!  Do what you can - Hang a banner, buy a shirsey, get a tattoo, or buy some tickets.  Just tell us how you're going to do it.

Want to do more than just leave a message?  If you have the techical ability to produce your own audio clips, send them to us!  Take 15 seconds to tell us how you will #DefendNWA.  You can email us the audio file in MP3 or WMA format to us at

We want to hear how you're going to do it!  Leave us a message or send us a file.  We want to hear from you and play your message to the world!!!!

Monday, September 9, 2013

We're ready to start cranking out the podcasts.

While we're not quite ready for a daily broadcast schedule, we are going to offer you a more consistent broadcast schedule. The podcast has gotten itself quite the listenership on iTunes (seriously) and the twitter account is only 999,642 followers away from our goal of 1,000,000.  Given those spectacular numbers, we bringing the DKM Hockey Podcast back for another full season of debauchery.  But wait, there's more.

More DKM Podcasts!

Outside of #CBJ viewing parties and other Blue Jackets social events, we will be bringing you a new podcast every other Friday morning during the entire regular season starting September 20th!  We'll be talking all things Blue Jackets as well has expanding our guest list.  We will find new ways to engage other Blue Jackets fans out there.  We'll help guide you through our first year in the Eastern Conference and teach you how to cope with some of sport's most belligerent fan bases.

   We will continue to complete chapters in our Blue Jackets themed Children's book, "B is for Boomer."  "Being John Kempovich" will continue to allow you access into thoughts of the Blue Jacket's most loyal fans.  We will continue to bring you goofy bits, silly gags, and other fun ways to share our love of the Blue Jackets.  We want to continue to provide you with passion and insight to the team in a way you won't find any place else.  Reporting is for journalists, access is for glory hounds, we just want to spread the CBJ love and hope you and the team will join us along the way.

So find us on iTunes, follow the Podcast RSS feed, and as always check back here for podcast episodes and more. Oh, and don't forget to put your smart phones down and check out the web version of the blog. 

And as with every podcast, Hilarity will ensue.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

G is for George Matthews

Today we issue a new chapter in our "B is for Boomer" children's book. The book is a definitive history of the Columbus Blue Jackets.  It is not easy to become part of Blue Jackets history. On the Podcast we have discussed K is for Kevin (Schroeder) C is for Clockgate, and D is for Distinct Kicking Motion (disallowed goals). But today, as mentioned in an earlier podcast, we bring you G is for George, as in George Matthews.

George "MF" Matthews

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Only you can help prevent an invasion. Only you can #DEFENDNWA

We kind of do our own thing here at DKM.  Our number one focus is to have fun supporting the Columbus Blue Jackets.  We don't do something because it's popular on twitter or because we think it will garner the praise of the team.  Joe, John, and Morgan are so unique in their individual opinions of the team that often times disagreements start.  But there is one thing the three of them can agree on.  It's time to stop letting other team's fans over take Nationwide Arena.  And in that light, we do support the #DEFENDNWA movement.