Thursday, January 23, 2014

DKM Hockey Podcast Episode 28

The DKM Crew is a man down as Joe is AWOL for the 28th episode.  John and Morgan try to split hosting duties.  In the first segment John and Morgan talk streaks and what in the world to with Marian Gaborik.  In segment two we redebut John's "Big Five" where John asks five questions on every CBJ Fan's mind.  In segment three John plays 'Ghost at Nationwide's Real or Fake' where Morgan reads the name of a CBJ player fan twitter account and John guesses if it's real or fake.

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Holy Crap, the Kings / TRH gave us some love

Well, since we got mentioned in a pre-game by the Los Angeles Kings, we figured we’d tell all the new hits to the site about us.   Here is a quick fact sheet about DKM Hockey. 

-          DKM stands for Distinct Kicking Motion.  We have a CBJ centric podcast, a twitter account were were display our Ph D in snark, and a blog  - which is pretty much an after thought.

-          DKM is made up of Morgan Langworthy, John Kemp, and Joe Reader.

-          The DKM twitter accounts tweets as an anarcho-syndicalist commune

-          The DKM crew loves to drink.  Assume varying degrees of sobriety while listening to the podcast or reading a tweet.
-     If DKM was one-tenth as good and The Royal Half, they'd have twice as many twitter followers as they do now.  Algebra - USE IT.

-          The DKM crew’s friendship pre-dates social media and the Atlanta Thrashers.  They’ve been friends since the mid-90’s

-          The DKM crew prefers brunettes, but has never told a blonde “no.”
-       We don't know a damn thing about comic book characters, video games, or pop music.  We'd be total tool bags in the LA Club scene.  We're more of the Malibu Mafia types anyways.

-          The DKM crew takes neither itself or the Columbus Blue Jackets too seriously.

-          The words, “Lumbus” “No Playoff wins” and “Couldn’t win a cup final with Gretzky” don’t bother us.

-          The first-hand stories we have heard about Jeff Carter while he was in Columbus would make Mike Richards sign a pre-nup.

-          No one has a higher set of Expectation for the CBJ than Morgan.  No one.

-          John Kemp has a crush on Ryan Murray.  Like, a real crush.

-          DKM knows that while Al Iafrate was popular for rocking the do-rag, Hkelly Hrudy wore one too.

-          Joe Reader has a #CBJ tramp stamp.

-          We secretly understand that in order to win a Stanley Cup, the Blue Jackets must trade Jack Johnson.  See – Carolina Hurricanes and Los Angeles Kings.

-          Contrary to popular belief, we try REALLY hard with our stick figure drawings.

-          Between the three of us, our families are comprised of:  2 wives,  2 ex-wives, one fiancée, 6 children, one bun in the oven,  and a baby’s momma.  That's all within the last 10 years.

-          Like most LA Kings fans, Joe Reader has no clue who Dave Taylor is – and no, he is not related to the ‘Tool Man.’

-          Morgan Langworthy has had more ultrasounds than Octo-mom.

-          DKM is the best CBJ-centric Podcast in the world.  Period.


Friday, January 10, 2014

DKM Hockey Podcast: Episode 27

Joe, John, and Morgan are back after the Christmas holiday and are ready to do some podcasting. In the first segment the boys discuss the recent play of the team, the return of Sergei Bobrovsky, and share some new year's resolutions.  During the second segment, the boys welcome Dennis Kelly II of Boone's Goons and release John Kemp's epic musical number, "Brick by Brick" with vocals by Mr. Kelly.  In segment three the boys welcome the CBJ Magic 8 ball to the show and discuss CBJ themed Ben and Jerry's ice cream flavors.

Check out this episode!